The South Is Risen: Old Jim Crow Thrives Inside Oregon Prisons

Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson

By Kevin Rashid Johnson, Oregon prisoner

In her book, The New Jim Crow, legal scholar Michelle Alexander did a masterful job of exposing the U.S. criminal (in)justice system for what it is: namely, an updated, more sophisticated, continuation of repression and containment, and profiting  off the misery, of New Afrikan/Black people. Her work, and that of other critical race writers like Tim Wise, counter the b.s. of those who pretend that Amerika is finally a race-neutral society.

In the eyes of most, and even of these writers, the overt old Jim Crow forms of racism and national oppression, e.g. government-enforced segregation such as “whites only” eating facilities, Blacks seated in the backs of buses, and so on, are practices of a bygone era. Even I thought as much. That is, until I found myself imprisoned within the Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC) Continue reading