Nepal: Ex-revolutionaries denounce Indian Maoist’s attack on Salwa Judum (death squads) and Congress Party backers

[Prachanda, once leader of Nepalese Maoists, having disbanded the people’s war, the revolutionary PLA and peoples guerrilla zones and administrative zones, and further confused and disoriented many revolutionaries in Nepal and internationally with a revisionist “creative” line of bourgeois electoralism, has now reached a new pinnacle of craven opportunist betrayal.  In a fitting public testament to his complete renunciation of revolutionary Maoism, Prachanda has now denounced the Indian Maoist attack on the reactionary death squad Salwa Judum, in a message embracing the Indian bourgeoisie with condolences at their loss of their death squad architects.  The blood of the adivasi and Maoist victims of Salwa Judum, on the hands of Sonia Gandhi, is now on Prachanda’s hands as well.  —  Frontlines ed.]


Prachanda, Koirala express grief over Naxal attack

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Prachanda's correspondent's embrace of Sonia GandhiKathmandu: “Shocked” by the recent Naxal attack in Chattisgarh, Maoist chief Prachanda and Nepali Congress president Sushil Koirala have sent condolence messages to Sonia Gandhi over the ambush in which 27 people, including senior Congress leaders, were killed.  “Our party UCPN-Maoist is deeply shocked and saddened by the demise of leaders and workers of the Indian National Congress in the recent attack in Chattisgarh of India unleashed by Indian Maoists,” UCPN-Maoist chairman Prachanda said in a statement. “The incident of violent attack has drawn the attention of our party”, he said, expressing “serious concern” over the incident.  “We join with you in this incident in which 27 people including leaders and workers of the Indian NationalCongress were killed,” Prachanda said in a condolence message sent to Congress president Sonia Gandhi.  “I, personally, and on behalf my party, express deepest condolence to the families of those killed and wish for the speedy recovery of those injured in the incident,” Prachanda said. Continue reading