British Jews of conscience campaign against the Israeli Holocaust of Palestinian people

[At the time of the Quincentennial (1992) activists in the Americas exposed the Holocaust, from Columbus’ time,  of Indigenous People.  The descendants of Africans who had been enslaved raised the history of the Black Holocaust.  These became part of the struggle for the true history to be reflected in the schools and in the culture–the media, television, movies, literature.  At the same time, Zionist organizations attacked these efforts, every time, saying the special suffering of Jews at the hands of the Nazis would be forgotten if other people’s suffering became known.  Today, programs of ethnic studies, which have educated millions on the true history, are under attack across the US–and even outlawed in Arizona and elsewhere.  This article spells out how the same issues (revolving, in this case, around Zionist “ownership” of the term “shoah”) are generating much struggle today, in the UK.–Frontlines ed.]

Shoah Backfires
by Gilad Atzmon

January 10, 2011

For years  Israelis and  Zionists have been pumping  ‘Shoah’ into our veins by using every possible propaganda outlet: media, education, Hollywood, music, literature, billboards and so on.

Seemingly they have been very successful : We are all properly ‘ Holocausted ‘. We accept the suffering of the Jewish people — and we have even managed to draw a universal message from it all.

We do accept that a real Shoah is taking place in front of our eyes in Palestine, where the Jewish state locks millions of Palestinians behind bars: it starves them,  it stops medical supplies, food, cement, and educational materials from getting in. But it does not stop there — when the Jewish state feels like it, it also kills Palestinians indiscriminately.  It either blitzes them with white phosphorous , or  sends in its tank battalions  to drive over Gaza. Continue reading