Greece: A revolutionary writes on the current situation

Dear international friends and comrades,

For years, the workers and the people of Greece have expressed in every available occasion their wrath against the anti-people policies of the governments (both right-wing and social-democrat). Since May 25th there is a new situation. The people of Greece are making politics with their presence in the squares of the big cities, every day and more significantly whenever a mass demonstration is organized on a concrete issue.
The last general strike was on May 11th and the police attacked and injured a lot of workers. Two weeks later a new movement was launched in the squares of the big cities. It was the way to surpass the obstacles set by the sold out trade union leaderships and the inadequate left forces in the country.
It is obvious that broad people’s masses have rejected the policies of the government and they are standing against the memorandum and the memorandum 2 (mid-term program) imposed by the E.U. the IMF and the European Central Bank.
The majority of the people in the streets are former supporters of the current social-democrat government and the right-wing party.
The main problem of this movement is the political orientation it will take and the strong bourgeois intervention that takes place by powerful think tanks that have been trying to neutralize it or divert it to a reactionary direction.
It is about a major contradiction since the system and its government have tried using every means – propaganda against strikes and demonstrations through the media and when this wasn’t enough brutal violence by the police – to suppress the workers’ struggles. Now they are forced to embrace this movement in order to suffocate it.  Yet, there isn’t enough time for embedment policies since the imperialists are pressing for fast results.
In this context the government has announced a cabinet reshuffle. It is obvious the policy will remain the same and it is also obvious that the system is in panic when hundreds of thousands of people are demonstrating against it.
We have the right on our side and the victory is very close.
We have to continue in the same path, turning our wrath into organized action.

A report from Greece

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