Brazilian activists demonstrate in support of political prisoner in China

Workers, students and lawyers demonstrate in front of the Chinese embassy  in Brasília against the
political imprisonment of Chinese lawyer Zhao Dong-min.

Video in Portuguese with English captions

November 18, 2010


The words demanding “Freedom for Zhao-Dong-min,” yelled in Portuguese and English, echoed in the embassy sector in Brasilia last Thursday, November 18.

The demonstrators, who were posted outside the main gate of the Chinese embassy on Nations Avenue, 813 block, bore two large banners on which were stamped the picture of Chinese lawyer Zhao Dong-min and which called for his immediate release. They also carried  flags of the participating organizations.

This demonstration against the illegal arrest and absurd three year prison sentence imposed on the Chinese lawyer Zhao Dong-min was organized by ABRAPO – Brazilian Association of People’s Lawyers, IAPL – International Association of People’s Lawyers, Workers League, and Cebraspo – Brazilian Center of Solidarity with the Peoples.

Workers, lawyers and law students demonstrated their total repudiation of the fascist policy of the Chinese government, prosecuting and imprisoning those who fight against the regime of slavery which workers are subjected to in China.

Demonstrating the arbitrary and authoritarian attitude of the Chinese government and total unpreparedness for the exercise of diplomatic functions, the Chinese ambassador in Brazil, Qiu Xiaoqi, refused to receive the document prepared by the organizers of the protest. Instead the ambassador called out the military police, which immediately cordoned off the entrance to the embassy. A delegation of representatives from the protest organizations stood at the gate of the Chinese embassy, which remained closed all the time. Hysterical screaming in Chinese from inside the embassy was heard outside the walls, causing laughter among the demonstrators.

Using a powerful megaphone, the demonstrators held a rally with speeches of support and solidarity with Zhao Dong-min and Chinese workers, and which repudiated the fascist Chinese state. At the end of the protest, as the ambassador refused to receive the document from the protest groups, the demonstrators put the document in the mailbox of the embassy.

This paper vehemently protests against the  illegal arrest and conviction of Zhao Dong-min. It reiterates the demand of Brazilian workers for his immediate release; the declaration of his innocence; an accounting of his financial losses and mental distress; and strict punishment of those responsible for the false charges that led to his arbitrary and illegal arrest.

Protesters sang the International Anthem during the protest and at the the end marched with the firm intention to bring the campaign for Zhao Dong-min’s release into universities and workplaces.

Read below the document delivered by the organizations:

Brasilia, November 18, 2010
To: China Ambassador in Brazil Qiu Xiaoqi

The ABRAPO – Brazilian Association of People’s Lawyers, the IAPL – International Association of People’s Lawyers, and the Cebraspo – Brazilian Center of Solidarity with the Peoples, and the Workers League express the determination of of Brazilian workers and lawyers to oppose the  illegal detention and conviction of lawyer Zhao Dong-min.

Zhao Dong-min represents the just struggle of Chinese workers for their rights. This lawyer was charged with “gathering a crowd to disturb social order” and was given an absurd sentence of three years on October 20.  He was illegally arrested on August 19, 2009 for defending workers’ organizations that defend workers’ rights in state enterprises. These workers’ groups oversee the state “restructuring” enterprises so the government cannot take away workers’ rights. These groups were writing reports and complaints about State corruption and abuses of power.

We condemn this unacceptable oppression of a faithful representative of China’s workers. Is this the “new look” that China now wants to show the world?

In Brazil, we workers also have deeply seen how damaging has been the policy of “restructuring” and privatization of state companies, which has resulted in the elimination of workers’ rights, dismissals and all sorts of corruption. Therefore, we are totally supportive of Chinese workers and in particular Zhao Dong-min.

Accordingly, we express to the Government of China our vehement protest against the absurd and illegal arrest and conviction of Zhao Dong-min. We reiterate the demand of Brazilian workers for Zhao’s immediate release; a declaration of his innocence; an accounting of his financial losses and mental suffering;  and  strict punishment of those responsible for the false accusations against him.

ABRAPO – Brazilian Association of People’s Lawyers

IAPL – International Association of People’s Lawyers

Workers League

CEBRASPO – Brazilian Center of Solidarity with the Peoples

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